Jigsaw Homes Midlands was formerly known as Gedling Homes, created on the transfer of all of Gedling Borough Council’s housing stock in November 2008 following a ballot of tenants. One of the founding members of the Jigsaw Group, Gedling Homes changed its name to Jigsaw Homes Midlands on 18 August 2020. The association owns around 3,300 homes across Nottinghamshire.
Our homes are made up primarily of three bedroomed houses but range from small one bedroomed flats to five bedroomed houses. Almost a third of our homes is specialised housing for older people which includes bungalows, sheltered housing schemes and an extra care scheme. We also provide specialist housing to people with mental health and learning disabilities in two supported living schemes.
In 2015 Gedling homes completed a five-year c£67m investment programme that saw our homes improved above the Decent Homes standard. Since then, approximately 300 homes with low energy efficiency, have received major improvements including external wall insulation.
The majority of our homes are within the Borough of Gedling but recent developments have taken us outside of the Borough and this geographical expansion will continue. In 2018 Gedling Homes developed almost 90 units which includes one and two bedroomed flats, one, two, three and four bedroomed houses and a specialist supported living development of 12 apartments. Our primary focus remains in providing homes with social rents but recent developments have also included affordable rent and shared ownership.
Jigsaw Group uses overlapped Boards to simplify its governance arrangements and to make the best use of the shared skill-set of our board members and directors. Board meetings for organisations within the Group are held contemporaneously using overlapped meetings. We subscribe to the 2015 edition of the National Housing Federation’s Code of Governance.
Jigsaw Homes Midlands is governed by our Housing South Board.
Visit our governance page to find out more information on how we are run.
As a housing association, Jigsaw Homes Midlands is regulated by the Regulator of Social Housing, which took on this function from the Homes and Communities Agency in January 2018.
Jigsaw Homes Midlands
ICO registration number: Z1599688
Registered as a Community Benefit Society with FCA. Registration number: 8378.
Housing Regulator registration number: L4532