Use the NHS 111 online service for advice. For those without the internet call 111
Public Health
Suport helpline for older people.
Tel – 0800 4708090
Advice on staying mentally healthy during isolation
Help during isolation https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/coronavirus-and-your-wellbeing/#collapse97a7c
Tel – 0300 123 3393
Tel – 01257231660
Age UK
Practical advice and information. Tel – 0800 169 65 65
Cheerful chats. Tel – 0800 470 80 90
Support helpline for older people
Tel – 0800 4708090
Gedling Homes Money Advice team
Help and advice with rent queries and benefits
Tel: 0115 905 151
Age UK
Money advice
Tel- 0161 833 3944
Tel – 0800 678 1602
The Money Advice Service
Opening times – first hour will be allocated to elderly people (opening times vary)
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8am-9am for NHS staff and carers.
NHS staff only browsing hour prior to shops opening on Sundays. Times vary per store
Tuesday and Thursday extra hour for NHS staff
Arnold Food Bank
Daybrook Baptist Church
Mansfield Road, Nottingham, NG5 6AA
Tel: 07854 690 694
Netherfield & Colwick Food Bank
Working with Fareshare to become a distribution hub for the community to provide dry food and maybe hot soup and undertake doorstep deliveries to over 70s in Gedling Homes Independent Living Schemes and beyond.
Tel: 0115 9113302
St Georges Centre
91 Victoria Road
Neitherfield, Nottingham, MG4 2NN