
Jigsaw Rewards Scrutiny Panel on Data Protection

Jigsaw Rewards Scrutiny Panel on Data Protection

At Jigsaw, we work together with residents to shape our priorities through an active consultation process via Jigsaw Rewards scrutiny panel.

Our latest scrutiny panel took place on 11 May 2022 with six residents from across the Group to discuss Data Security and Protection.

Residents were able to come together and decide which areas of the investigation to focus on.

These are:

  • What systems does Jigsaw Homes have and where is data stored?
  • How does Jigsaw Homes handle customer data?
  • How do we ensure data is safe?
  • Does Jigsaw Homes delete data and what happens when it is deleted?
  • The privacy notice for tenants and customer mentions collecting energy use data via apps. What is this and what happens to data collected?
  • How are regulations met?

Our Chief Executive’s Department will now gather evidence based on the detailed scope set out by the panel. The scrutiny panel will meet again in July to discuss these findings.

If you are a resident and would like to register for Jigsaw Rewards please visit our dedicated Rewards website