
General | 08/12/2022
Jigsaw Homes Midlands Shows Quality in Caring

Jigsaw Homes Midlands has been recognised as a ‘Carer Friendly’ organisation with a Quality Mark from Nottinghamshire Carers Association.

Jigsaw Rewards, Scrutiny | 30/11/2022
Jigsaw Rewards Scrutiny – Income – Money Lost Through Void Work

At Jigsaw, we work together with residents to shape our priorities through an active consultation process via our Jigsaw Rewards scrutiny panel.

General | 22/11/2022
Local Heroes Recognised at Pride of Gedling Awards

Jigsaw was at the Pride of Gedling awards last week to present the Outstanding Community Project Award, which we were proud to sponsor.

Customer Feedback, General | 18/11/2022
Q2 Customer Feedback Update

We are always keen to hear your feedback as this helps us to learn and understand areas where we are delivering services well and areas where we can improve.  

Jigsaw Rewards, You Said We Did | 18/11/2022
You Said We Did: Lettings Survey

We recently ran a survey on Jigsaw Rewards to ask for your views on exchanges and transfers. An exchange is a direct swap with another tenant who also wants to move, whereas a transfer is when you apply for rehousing and move to an empty property (this can sometimes take a while).

General | 16/11/2022
Drumming Up Craft Sessions

Drumming Up Craft Sessions

General | 08/11/2022
Providing Family Cost of Living Advice for Carlton Residents

Jigsaw’s Arrears Recovery and Neighbourhood Engagement teams held a Family Cost of Living drop-in event at the Carlton Methodist Church in Nottingham last week.

Jigsaw Rewards, Scrutiny | 03/11/2022
Jigsaw Rewards Scrutiny Panel Data Security Measures

Jigsaw Rewards residents from across the Group took part in our latest Scrutiny Panel and reviewed Jigsaw’s Data Security Measures, discussing policy, procedures and performance measures.

Jigsaw Group News | 25/10/2022
Connect Achieves CCA Accreditation for 11th Year Running

Jigsaw’s customer contact centre Connect has once again achieved its CCA (Customer Contact Association) Accreditation for the 11th year in a row.

Jigsaw Rewards, Scrutiny | 20/10/2022
Jigsaw Rewards Scrutiny Panel on Income Loss

Our latest Jigsaw Rewards scrutiny panel took place with residents from across the Group coming together discuss Income Loss – Voids and Lettings.