
Customer Feedback | 20/05/2021
Customer feedback – January to March 2021

We use customer feedback to help us to learn and understand areas where we are delivering services well and areas where we can improve. We have also started delivering our…

General | 19/05/2021
Learning at Work Week 2021

  This week (17-23 May) is Learning at Work Week, an annual event to build learning cultures at work. It aims to put a spotlight on the importance and benefits…

Jigsaw Foundation, Jigsaw Rewards | 18/05/2021
Jigsaw Rewards Scrutiny Panel on Anti-Social Behaviour

At Jigsaw, we work together with residents to shape our priorities through an active consultation process via Jigsaw Rewards Scrutiny panel. Our latest Scrutiny Panel took place on 21 April….

Jigsaw Group News | 17/05/2021
Telephone service disruption – Monday 17 May

We are experiencing some issues with incoming calls this morning.  If your call disconnects, please try to contact us again later.  We are working to resolve the issue as soon…

Jigsaw Rewards, You Said We Did | 21/04/2021
You Said – We Did: Baby and Child First Aid Skills

The views and experiences of our residents are at the heart of our plans, helping us to make the changes needed to improve our neighbourhood services. We want to have…

General | 14/04/2021
Telephone service disruption – 14 April 2021

We are currently experiencing an intermittent fault on our telephone lines. We wish to apologise for any inconvenience caused if you have been unable to get through. You can contact…

General | 12/04/2021
Read all about our updated Neighbourhood Plans

The new revised versions of our Neighbourhood plans are now available on our websites.  The plans have been in place across the Group for the last two years.   During that…

General | 12/04/2021
Read all about our updated Neighbourhood Plans

The new revised versions of our Neighbourhood plans are now available on our websites.  The plans have been in place across the Group for the last two years.   During that…

General | 12/04/2021
Read all about our updated Neighbourhood Plans

The new revised versions of our Neighbourhood plans are now available on our websites.  The plans have been in place across the Group for the last two years.   During that…

General | 01/04/2021
Easter Holiday Closure Notice

We will be closed on Good Friday (02.04.2021) and Easter Monday (05.04.2021).  While our offices and hubs remain closed during lockdown, we will continue to operate from Tuesday 06 April…