Supported living

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Supported living is a term used to describe housing with support for people with a learning disability or mental health support need. People who live within supported living housing live as independently as possible with support staff, available 24 hours a day 7 days a week, to provide assistance with managing money, cooking and shopping, staying healthy and getting out and about.

Gedling Homes currently has 25 Supported Living properties:

Orchard Court, Carlton  – 13 one bedroom flats for people aged 40 plus

York Mews, Arnold  – 12 one bedroom apartments for people aged 18 plus.

The allocation of a supported living property is via Nottinghamshire County Council supported leaving team, applicants for these properties must meet the supported living criteria.

Enquiries for Supported Living should be made to Nottinghamshire Adult Social Care on 0300 500 80 80.  Further information can be provided by the Gedling Homes Relets Team on 0115 905 1515.

SPRIING - Reducing loneliness in our community

We are working with Gedling Borough Council to provide a service to reduce loneliness and help people to become more involved and socially active in their community.

This service is called SPRIING (Social Prescribing Reducing Isolation in Gedling).Find out more here.

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