Category: Neighbourhood

Jigsaw Group News, Jigsaw Support, Neighbourhood | 15/03/2021
Lessons from lockdown: what our communities have taught us

As featured in Inside Housing on 12 March, after our work in neighbourhoods had to be stepped up during the pandemic, Donna Kelly, our Group Director of Support and Neighbourhoods,…

General, Jigsaw Rewards, Neighbourhood, You Said We Did | 01/03/2021
You Said – We Did: Jobs and Skills

The views and experiences of our residents are at the heart of our plans, helping us to make the changes needed to improve our neighbourhood services. We want to have…

General, Jigsaw Foundation, Neighbourhood | 19/05/2020
A treat meal for Gedling residents

Residents living in four Gedling Homes Independent Living schemes in Carlton received a meal as a treat during the lockdown. Following an online family festival called ‘Homefest’, which made over…

In Your Area, Jigsaw Foundation, Neighbourhood | 11/02/2020
Jigsaw Foundation double in Gedling – funding still available.

Jigsaw Foundation has awarded Nabarro Court Social Group in Gedling £1,140. Nabarro Court is an Independent Living Scheme in a fairly remote location and some residents have very little social…

Jigsaw Foundation, Jigsaw Rewards, Neighbourhood, Photo Task, Scrutiny | 05/02/2020
Jigsaw Rewards – have your say and earn rewards

Jigsaw Rewards is our innovative online tenant engagement programme that encourages our tenants to provide regular feedback on services and plans for the future. The website ( allows you to…

Development, In Your Area, Neighbourhood | 06/01/2020
Jigsaw Group help ‘Beat the January Blues’

Jigsaw Group has teamed up with Lane End New Beginnings to co-fund the Intact Centre’s ‘Beat the January Blues’ project. The Intact Centre, based in Preston, is a hub for…

Jigsaw Rewards, Neighbourhood, Scrutiny | 23/12/2019
Tenants scrutinise Fire Risk Assessments

The Jigsaw Rewards Scrutiny Panel recently met at our Ashton-under-Lyne office for their second scrutiny meeting of our Fire Risk Assessments (FRAs). The purpose of this meeting was to discuss…

In Your Area, Neighbourhood | 19/12/2019
Taking training to our communities

The Neighbourhood Engagement team have recently completed accredited and non-accredited training with 22 residents in our communities. They offer training within community settings to enable residents to learn together in…

Gardens & Allotments, In Your Area, Neighbourhood | 17/10/2019
Gedling tenants enjoy tasty Big Soup share

Tenants from Gedling Homes Bourne Mews allotment in Netherfield recently enjoyed some rewards for their hard work with a special lunch as part of the Royal Horticultural Society’s annual ‘Big…

In Your Area, Jigsaw Foundation, Jigsaw Rewards, Neighbourhood, Scrutiny | 20/08/2019
Jigsaw Foundation – funding helps healthy living in Stalybridge

Jigsaw Foundation has awarded Stalybridge Celtic Foundation £26,197.50 to deliver projects within the Hague, Ridgehill and Central Stalybridge neighbourhoods. It will help improve the health and lifestyles of people in…